6 concepts every PM needs to master
Learn about Mission, Vision, Strategy, Roadmap, Execution, Measurement
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There are 6 concepts every product manager needs to know by heart: 1) Mission, 2) Vision, 3) Strategy, 4) Roadmap, 5) Execution, 6) Measurement. Here’s how they all connect 👇
[1] Mission: your product’s purpose. The reason it exists. What gets everyone jumping out of bed in the morning, and choosing to dedicate their scarcest asset, time, to build something. Your mission is the answer to the “Why build this?”
[2] Vision: the story you tell. How you see the future turning out if you succeed. The world after you fulfill your mission. Your vision is the answer to “Where are we going?”.
[3] Strategy: how you make decisions. The framework that guides which opportunities you choose. It should optimize for decisions that get to the goal, accelerate toward your vision and fulfill your mission.
[4] Roadmap: your current best plan to get “there”. It’s the combination of solutions that match the opportunities picked by your strategy. Your roadmap should let everyone know what to expect, and when, as well as what not to expect, and why.
[5] Execution: the quality of delivering your plan. Execution helps ask the questions “what is slowing me down? What is helping me go faster?”. With execution, you can plan ways of accelerating your learning rate so you can double down or course-correct.
[6] Measurement: how you know if your decisions are the right ones. The way to quantify if your solutions were the best ones to deliver opportunities, if you picked the best opportunities to get to your vision, and if your vision is valuable.
Each step is tied to the previous, and the next. Making good product decisions requires you to deeply understand the concepts. Invest in clarifying each one for your product or company: it will be transformative in your decisions.