This wasn’t supposed to happen.
It really just started as a small pandemic experiment.
“What if I tried teaching some product fundamentals to 10-15 people?”
Fast forward 2 years and this week starts the November cohort, the last of 2022.
Here’s some data from this crazy year:
500 people did at least one program, across 18 timezones (not joking, insane)
20 cohorts throughout the entire year
1450 people currently in the waiting list for future editions, and we’re adding 5-7 new pre-applications per day
PM Foundations sold out on average in 5 hours
Henrique Cruz continues running Growth Product Management
🎬 Mário Tarouca ( joined us and launched No Code Foundations
Cátia Sofia Carvalho and Miguel Gonçalves joined us and launched UX Design Foundations
João Tiago Ascensão joined us and launched AI Product Management
Álvaro Bezerra, Mário Ribeiro Alves and Elizabeth T. joined us and launched Web3 Product Management
João Mimoso joined us and is launching Data for Product Managers
NPS is still above 80
And I am not even counting the insane list of guests that showed up for our Lunch & Learns (special kudos to Aaron W., Raquel Félix, Richard Cadman, Ana Margarida Silva, Joana Baptista, Rodolfo Cristóvão, Francisca Veloso, Marcelino Moreno, Humar Santos, Suprakash Das, Mario Araujo, Marta Luis Burguete, João Teixeira, Ebi Atawodi, Tiago Fernandes, Anabela Cesário, Miguel Loureiro, David Schreiber and many more).
Some people asked me: “Why are you building One Month PM?”. Here’s why:
I believe software will be a commodity in the coming years. Writing code will actually be the exception, not the rule. Developing new products will be as easy as speaking. That means the true differentiator between successful products and all others lies in your product thinking skills. So if you believe technology is the true equaliser and the most powerful way of solving most of the world’s problems, creating more product thinkers will optimise our ability to have better technology. Learning product can’t be hard, exclusive, expensive, boring and unfit of people’s busy lives. One Month PM is my answer to accelerate this vision.
We know the world is shaking, from recession fears to layoffs. From funding drying to stock market crashes. If there is one thing you can bet is that knowledge and new skills have never been more important than now.
I hope you get to join our programs in 2023 and embark on this mission.
Pre-apply at and equip yourself to deal with whatever might come:
PM Foundations > Learn the basics of product management
Growth PM > Learn how marketing and product come together
No Code Foundations > Learn 12 tools to ship your first product without knowing code
AI PM > Learn how artificial intelligence, machine learning and product intersect
Web3 PM > Learn where PM sits in the decentralised world of blockchain, crypto and Dapps
UX Design Foundations > Learn the ins and outs of UX design and research
Data for PMs > Learn how to master data and insights in your day to day as a PM
Bring it on 2023 🚀